Week 21

Week 21- The Not So Desperate Chef Wife

Week 21- The Not So Desperate Chef Wife

Week 21- The Not So Desperate Chef Wife
How big is baby? The size of a pomegranate!

Baby Development FYI: 
At 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces, she’s big enough now that you’ve probably been feeling her movements. As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she’s manufacturing meconium — the tarry black substance you’ll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!  If it’s a girl, she’s already got a lifetime’s supply of eggs in her womb — about six million of them!

My body has been invaded, how’s that going?
  The inbetweenie “am I fat or pregnant?” stage is over (thankfully).  A cashier at Bojangles even gave me extra fries to feed my little one! 

I’ve now experienced round ligament pain.  I thought I’d felt it a few weeks ago…not so much.  These are no joke!  Even made my first call to the OB to ask my first question…how do you deal with these?  An increase in my water intake (which to me is difficult since I already feel like I’m constantly drinking water), taking Colace 1-2 times a day, apply moist heat when necessary, and slow down on our evening walks.  She gave me a great way to gage how fast is too fast.  If your ta-tas are bouncing when you walk, you need to slow it down.  Boobs have so many super powers, just add speedometer to the list!

Starting to feel some discomfort while sleeping.  Mostly on the sides and my back.  So I’ve been testing out new pillow formations and will hopefully have one figured out soon.  And of course the bathroom trips are still never ending.  That is what I miss the most…a normal feeling bladder. 
My energy is still nowhere close to what it used to be.  I’m constantly amazed at how easily it is drained from me.  Just walking around the office, back and forth, up and down the stairs, too much and too quickly gets me.  Last weekend I went to the mall to pick up a shower gift and some Chick Fila. On the way back from Chick Fila to my car, I was walking so SLOW.  I just had to laugh at myself that a simple mall trip is different now.

What’s been on my mind?
  Just been trying to think of things to take care of before the baby gets here.  Not necessarily for the the baby, but other things we may never get to if we don’t do them now.  Like a new bed or a new mattress.  And getting certain parts of the nursery organized and ready to fill with stuff.  I ordered these canvas drawer organizers from Walmart this week.  Which should work great for a diaper drawer.

Crazy Cravings:
Fruits, veggies, cheese, and yogurt.
Oh, and an ungodly craving for brownies and chocolate chips.
The kicks getting stronger and more frequent.  Before getting pregnant I thought the kicks would get on my nerves, but I LOVE THEM!  They never get old and I’ll miss them when the baby is here.  It is so funny when I’m laying on my back with my feet propped up, the baby will be laying in the same position in my belly, like we are already just hanging out.  So whoever you are in there, you must be pretty cool!  Would love to feel some hiccups!!

Published by KMo679

I like orange.

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